Lua Time Series Module

1. Overview

A circular buffer library for an in-memory sliding window time series data store.

2. Module

2.1. Example Usage

local sats = require "streaming_algorithms.time_series"

local ts =, 60e9)
ts:add(1e9, 1)
ts:add(1e9, 7)
local val = ts:get(1e9)
-- val == 8

2.2. Functions

2.2.1. new

require "streaming_algorithms.time_series"
local ts =, 60e9)

Import the time_series via the Lua 'require' function. The module is globally registered and returned by the require function.


  • rows (unsigned) The number of rows in the buffer (must be > 1).
  • ns_per_row (unsigned) The number of nanoseconds each row represents (must be > 0).


  • time_series userdata object.

2.3. Methods

2.3.1. get_configuration

local rows, ns_per_row = ts:get_configuration()

Returns the configuration of the time series structure.


  • none - Return
  • rows (unsigned) The number of rows in the buffer.
  • ns_per_row (unsigned) The number of nanoseconds each row represents.

2.3.2. add

v = ts:add(1e9, 1)
-- v == 1
v = ts:add(1e9, 99)
-- v == 100

Adds a value to the specified row in the time series.


  • nanosecond (unsigned) The number of nanosecond since the UNIX epoch. The value is used to determine which row is being operated on.
  • value (number) The value to be added to the specified row/column.


  • The value of the updated row or nil if the time was outside the range of the window.

2.3.3. set

v = ts:set(1e9, 1)
-- v == 1
v = ts:set(1e9, 99)
-- v == 99

Overwrites the value at a specific row in the time series.


  • nanosecond (unsigned) The number of nanosecond since the UNIX epoch. The value is used to determine which row is being operated on.
  • value (number) The value to be overwritten at the specified row.


  • The resulting value of the row or nil if the time was outside the range of the window.

2.3.4. merge

ts:merge(ts1, op)

Merges one time series into another based on the specified operation. The resolution of time series being merged must be smaller or equal to the destination resolution.


  • ts1 (userdata) Time series userdata to merge.
  • op (string/nil) One of the following entries:
    • add (default)
    • set


  • none

2.3.5. get

v = ts:get(1e9)
-- v == 99

Fetches the value at a specific row in the time series.


  • nanosecond (unsigned) The number of nanosecond since the UNIX epoch. The value is used to determine which row is being operated on.


  • The value at the specifed row or nil if the time was outside the range of the window.

2.3.6. get_range

a = ts:get_range(nil, 2)
-- a == {98, 99}

Returns an array of values spanning the specified range.


  • nanoseconds (unsigned/nil) The start of the interval to return, nil starts from the beginning.
  • sequence_length (unsigned) Time series length (<= rows).


  • Array of values or nil if the range fell outside of the buffer.

2.3.7. current_time

t = ts:current_time()
-- t == 86340000000000

Returns the timestamp of the newest row.


  • none


  • The time of the most current row in the time series (nanoseconds).

2.3.8. stats

sum, cnt = ts:stats(nil, 10, "sum")
-- sum == 23, cnt = 10

Returns the requested type of stats specified range.


  • nanoseconds (unsigned/nil) The start of the interval to return, nil starts from the beginning.
  • sequence_length (unsigned) Time series length (<= rows).
  • type (string/nil) One of the following entries:
    • sum (default)
    • min
    • max
    • avg
    • sd - corrected standard deviation
    • usd - uncorrected standard deviation
  • include_zero (bool/nil) - Treat a zero value as a value instead of unitialized (default: false, integer time series only).


  • stat (number) Resulting type output
  • rows (number) Number of rows used in the computation.

2.3.9. matrix_profile

local ts, rp, dist = ts:matrix_profile(nil, 16, 4, 100, "anomaly")
-- ts == 1525465122000000000
-- rp == 35.762825
-- dist == 1.078937

local mp = ts:matrix_profile(1e9, 120, 10, 1.0, "mp")
-- mp == {1.5010956572519172, 1.7133271671869412, ... }

local mpi = ts:matrix_profile(1e9, 120, 10, 1.0, "mpi")
-- mpi == {7, 4, ... }

Returns the requested information from the matrix profile calculation.


  • nanoseconds (unsigned/nil) The start of the interval to analyze, nil starts from the beginning.
  • sequence_length (unsigned) Time series length (<= rows).
  • subsequence_length (unsigned) (sequence_length / 4 >= subsequence_length > 3).
  • percent (number) Percentage of data to base the calculation on (0.0 < percent <= 100). Use less than 100 to produce an estimate of the matrix profile trading accuracy for speed.
  • result (string/nil) One of the following (anomaly|anomaly_current|mp|mpi)
    • anomaly (default) Returns the timestamp, the percentage of the range represented by the top 5% of discords and the distance between the top discord and the median.
    • anomaly_current Same as anomaly but only over the last subsequence_length of matrix profiles.
    • mp Returns the matrix profile array.
    • mpi Returns the matrix profile index array.


  • The specified result described above, nil (out of range) or throws an error.

2.3.10. fromstring


Restores the time series to the previously serialized state.


  • serialization (string) The tostring output.


  • none or throws an error.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""